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Конкурентные стратегии

In the course it is analysed how the performance of a business is determined by its strategy and environment. Special attention is drawn to strategy analysis and formulation. Two levels are distinguished, with a focus on the latter: concern and competitive strategy. Concern strategy determines in which industries the business should invest and competitive strategy tells how a business can position itself in a segment and how it can reach and maintain a competitive advantage. The courts cossets of three main parts: boundaries of the firm, dynamics of competition and competitiveness. There is also attention in the course for the link between strategy and the specific business environment. All major theoretical concepts are developed which are important for strategy building.

Читается : 1-2 модули 3 курса 
Пререквизиты:  нет 
Язык: английский
Трудоемкость:  5 кредитов 
60 аудиторных часов: 
20 часов лекций; 
40 часов семинаров. 
Формы контроля:  экзамен,
1 контрольная работа


Шигина Яна Игоревна

Кафедра маркетинга (Нижний Новгород): преподаватель