Human rights in globalazing world
This course dedicated to explanation of complicated relations between concept of globalization and implementation of human rights protection and promotion around the globe. During the course students will understand how the concept of human rights has a history marked by philosophical controversies, and how understanding those controversies within an interdisciplinary framework helps us to illuminate the state of human rights today. With close look on both a liberal and secular perspective on human rights course also surveys various theories of human rights and highlights their many unresolved tensions. During the course we will discuss the relationship betweenculture and human rights – including the problems of cultural imperialism and cultural relativism, and the relationship between human rights and minority rights, the rights of indigenous people, women’s rights and the right to self-determination. Another important area of focus in this course is the politics of human rights, and the influence of human rights on politics.
Preconditions: English level upper intermediate
Hours: 40 hours lectures, 20 hours seminars
Forms of control:
1 essay
1 homework
1 exam
Кафедра публичной политики: Преподаватель
Other courses:
Freedom of assembly: comparative practices
Human rights in non-western societies
Religion, governance and decision-making