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The evolution of economic statecraft



Трудоемкость:  кредитов

76 аудиторных часов:

  • 38 hours of lectures;
  • 38 hours of seminars

Формы контроля:

  • 1 exam,
  • 1  research essay

О курсе

This course will provide students with an understanding about how economic means are used to pursue foreign policy objectives and compete for power. A historical perspective will be provided to demonstrate the continuity and change of how economic tools have evolved in the pursuit of national interests. Students will be equipped with the skills to analyse the historical trajectory of economic statecraft, the contemporary political economy, and make projections about the future. 


Ведущий лектор

Дисэн Гленн Эрик Андре

Департамент международных отношений: Профессор