International Political Economy
Пререквизиты: нет
Трудоемкость: кредитов
76 аудиторных часов:
- 38 hours of lectures;
- 38 hours of seminars
Формы контроля:
- 1 exam,
- 8 essays,
- 1 paper work,
- 3 tests
О курсе
During the course, students will study the key issues and problems relating to political regulation of international economic relations, including world trade, the global financial system, international value chains, problems of global governance, such specific features of the modern international political economy as economic sanctions, etc. Close attention will be paid to the study of international institutions, the political role of states, use of different economic instruments of the foreign policy.
Ведущий лектор
Департамент международных отношений: Доцент