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How Russia Is Governed: Public Policy and Administration


Пререквизиты: Уровень английского не ниже upper-intermediate

Трудоемкость:  кредитов

78 аудиторных часов:

  • 54 часа лекции;
  • 24 часа семинары

Формы контроля:

  • 1 экзамен,
  • 1 контрольная работа,
  • 1 домашнее задание

О курсе

This course has the dual purpose of introducing students to the foundations of public policy and administration as an academic discipline and its peculiarities in the Russian context. «How Russia is Governed: Public Policy and Administration» is designed in a «Berkley» way to guide students through complicated processes of public policy by focusing on the following key aspects – institutions, regions, procedures, including public service, decision making, budget, and reforms. Since public policy and administration are value laden, explicitly normative in their advice and action-oriented political sciences, students are encouraged to apply policy issue analysis and elaborate policy advice using both theoretical framework and Russian public policy features and processes.



Васильева Варвара Михайловна

Департамент политической науки: Доцент

Калгин Александр Сергеевич

Кафедра теории и практики государственного управления: Доцент