Курсы майнора для студентов набора 2017 года: The anthropology of religion and science

3-4 модули 2 курса

Пререквизиты: нет

Трудоемкость: 5 кредитов

60 аудиторных часов:

  • 20 часов лекций; 
  • 40 часов семинаров.

Формы контроля:

  • final exam,
  • 1 homework assignment.



Ссорин-Чайков Николай Владимирович

Департамент истории: Доцент



Кормина Жанна Владимировна

Департамент социологии: Профессор



Кулева Маргарита Игоревна

Центр молодежных исследований: Научный сотрудник



Мартин Доминик Армор

Центр исторических исследований: Научный сотрудник



О курсе

Anthropology of both religion and science seek an understanding of an understanding: it aims at grasping what people across cultures admit  to be true. How various systems of knowledge and belief distinguish the rational and the irrational? What is sense and senselessness? How knowledge, belief, intuition and revelation are distinguished in different social and cultural contexts? How epistemologies are related to aesthetics, ethics, moral order and everyday knowledge practices? We consider these questions by drawing on detailed ethnographies of science and religion. Cases that we explore range from studies of shamanism to scientific laboratories, from conspiracy theories to economic rationality; include ethnographies of Christianity and Islam, Western biologists, oceanologists and economists, and various knowledge systems from fortune-telling to big data. The course will also assess the applied skills that anthropologists have developed in these fields. This includes anthropological mediation of indigenous knowledge, cultural property, and negotiations of boundaries of science, culture and religion.

Anthropology of science and religion 2018-2019.docx (PDF, 440 Кб) 

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