Разработчик майнора — магистерская программа «Финансы», Санкт-Петербургская школа экономики и менеджмента.
Майнор направлен на предоставление студентам базового набора курсов по основам цифровой трансформации бизнеса и общества в целом. Курсы, включенные в состав майнора, направлены на освоение студентами основных аспектов цифровизации: трансформация общества под воздействием цифровых технологий, изменение отношений между участниками экономической деятельности, эволюция маркетинга и стратегии эффективного поведения на цифровом рынке.
Знания, относящиеся к этим блокам, позволят студентам понимать сущность происходящей цифровой трансформации, выполнять исследования, связанные с цифровизацией общества и экономики и использовать потенциал цифровых инструментов для создания новых бизнесов и повышения эффективности уже существующих.
Майнор читается на английском языке.
1. Five words that describe the minor
Being ready for the digitization
2. Courses of the minor
- Foundations of Digitization: this course will explain the general trends of digital transformation, its history and its present and future consequences (cryptocurrencies, digital unemployment, social rating). A general overview of main digital technologies will be given. We also will analyze problems of legal regulation.
- Platforms: platforms (like Uber and Airbnb) disrupt the models of interactions between economic agents and create new forms of competition. Social platforms (like Couchsurfing or Facebook) create new opportunities of social communication. This course is dedicated to the analysis of these platforms’ business models and to their social and economic impact
- Digital Marketing: this course will help the students to acquire competences in the field of digital tools that can be used to promote personal or corporate brand
- Digital Strategies
3. Who will be interested in this minor?
The minor is intended for students who are interested in understanding new trends of social and economic development and who wish to know who to use these trends for personal and corporate success.
The minor will provide students both with general concepts of digitization (analyzed during the first year within the courses on Foundations of Digitization and Platforms) as well as with more specific skills that are required for efficient business management in the digital age (Digital Marketing and Digital Strategies)
4. Goals and tasks of the minor
The goal of the minor is to get students acquainted with the social and economic consequences of the ongoing digital transformation
5. Main misunderstanding about this minor
The world is turning digital thanks to new technologies. However, the minor is not about the technologies – it is dedicated to the social and economic impact of these technologies. Of course, we will analyze some general aspects of these technologies, but the main attention will be paid to economic and social aspects
6. Do students need any special skills or competences?
No, no special background is required. All ideas and concepts that are crucial for the minor will be explained within the course
7. Sample task
- Analysis of the consequences of the digital transformation in a country selected by the student (digital unemployment, platform work)
- Analysis of the consequences of the digital transformation for the state in the selected country (e-government, social ratings, state control)
Узнать больше о курсах и ограничениях для студентов 2019 года набора