Курсы майнора для студентов набора 2018 года: Financial Decisions in International Companies


Пререквизиты: нет

Трудоемкость:  кредитов

76 аудиторных часов:

  • 38 часов лекции,
  • 38 часов семинары

Формы контроля:

  • 1 экзамен,
  • 1 тест,
  • 1 домашнее задание

О курсе

The aim of the course "International Corporate Finance" is to help students to develop an understanding of key financial decisions faced by companies by putting them into an international context. Students will be able to analyze advantages and disadvantages of the major forms of payment in international trade, identify the primary types of foreign-exchange risk faced by international business, describe the techniques used by firms to manage their working capital, evaluate the various capital budgeting techniques used for international investments, understand the primary sources of investment capital available to international companies. The course provides students with skills and knowledge to analyze different types of companies’ financial decisions making under risks of conducting business internationally – investment decisions, financing decisions and dividend decisions. 


Ведущий лектор

Подругина Анастасия Викторовна

Департамент мировой экономики: Преподаватель