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    ОП "Менеджмент"

    Ответственный за майнор

    Грищенко Татьяна Юрьевна

Кросс-культурные коммуникации/Сross-Cultural Communication

Читается: 3-4 модули второго года обучения

Преподавание ведется на английском языке

60 аудиторных часов = 30 часов лекции +  30 часов семинары; экзамен, 1 домашнее задание

Программа дисциплины "Кросс-культурные коммуникации"


Лисовский Александр Владимирович
к.с.н., доцент, департамент менеджмента



The major goal of this Course is internationalization & development of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) among Russian and exchange students. Students will acquire the necessary understanding what Cultural Intelligence is and how to use it in communication strategies and actions they take as managers, leaders and professionals. The special emphasis is placed on the skills required for effective cross-cultural negotiations. The Course supports internationalization of HSE and its status as a leading research university in modern Russia.

Objectives & Learning Outcomes

Students will learn basic ideas and models of cross-cultural psychology and their application. The Course offers practical training of communication skills, which facilitate usage of cross-cultural communication models and ideas in real situations. Key models of cross-cultural communication are discussed, helping to increase “cultural awareness” and SQ. Students learn international standards of modern professional quality communication. Culture is considered at various levels, such as industry, company, department, team, interpersonal levels etc., because today any environment is a cultural mix and there is a strong process of rapid transformations of homogeneous cultures into multicultural environments. Discussions of business cases and other exercises provide opportunity for the students to step up at higher level of cross-cultural competence.


Students who complete this course successfully should be able to:

  • Define a cultural profile of communicator and recipient of communication based on thorough understanding of a cultural mix. Describe effects on communication in specific communication tasks.
  • Adjust their verbal and non-verbal communication styles to various cultural environments.
  • Use different negotiation strategies and tactics in business and everyday communication.
  • Work effectively in multicultural teams.
  • Develop understanding of internal, external and conversational communication of an organization, define strategy and its implementation to support the organization’s goals.
  • Develop clear understanding of the modern international concept of networking, the role and communication instruments for internal and external networking for an organization.
  • Select and use effectively communication channels basing on the pre-set goal and detailed assessment of the audience’s cultural profile.
  • Appreciate the semantic function of non-verbal codes on business communication in cross-cultural environment.
  • Analyze effectiveness of internal communication and its instruments for achieving pre-defined management goals.


1. Brett, Jeanne M. - Negotiating Globally: How to Negotiate Deals, Resolve Disputes, and Make Decisions Across Cultural Boundaries. John Wiley & Sons (2007)

2. Davidov, Eldad, Peter Schmidt, Jaak Billiet - Cross-Cultural Analysis. Methods and Applications, Routledge (2014)

3. Deardorff, Darla K. - The SAGE Handbook of Intercultural Competence. Sage Publications, Inc (2009)

4. Faure, Guy Olivier (ed.) - How People Negotiate: Resolving Disputes in Different Cultures. Springer (2003)

5. Gelfand, Michele, Jeanne Brett - The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture.  Stanford Business Books (2004)

6. Gesteland, Richard R - Cross-cultural business behavior: negotiating, selling, sourcing and managing across cultures. Copenhagen Business School Press (2005)

7 Jackson, Jane (ed.) - The Routledge handbook of language and intercultural communication. Routledge (2013)

8. King, Thomas F. (ed.) - A Companion to Cultural Resource Management, Wiley-Blackwell (2011)

9. Livermore, David - Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The New Secret to Success. AMACOM (2009)

10. Livermore, David - The Cultural Intelligence Difference: Master the One Skill You Can't Do Without in Today's Global Economy Hardcover. AMACOM (2011)

11. Matsumoto, David and Fons J. R. van de Vijver (eds.) - Cross-Cultural Research Methods in Psychology (Culture and Psychology).  Cambridge University Press (2010)

12. McLaren, Margaret - Interpreting Cultural Differences: Challenge of Intercultural Communication. Peter Francis Publishers (1998)

13. Moll, Melanie - The Quintessence of Intercultural Business Communication. Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2012)

14. Peterson, Brooks - Cultural Intelligence: A Guide to Working with People from Other Cultures. Intercultural Press (2004)

15. Thomas, David C. and Kerr Inkson - Cultural Intelligence: People Skills for Global Business.  Berrett-Koehler Publishers (2004)

16. Tirmizi, S. Aqeel, Claire B. Halverson, S. Aqeel Tirmizi  - Effective Multicultural Teams: Theory and Practice. Springer (2008)

17. Trompenaars, Fons and Peter Woolliams - Business Across Cultures (Culture for Business Series) - Capstone (2004)

18. Trompenaars, Fons, Peter Woolliams - Business Across Cultures, Capstone (2003)

19. Walker, Danielle, Thomas Walker, Danielle Medina Walker - Doing Business Internationally: The Guide To Cross-Cultural Success, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill (2002)

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