Международный маркетинг/International Marketing
Читается: 1-2 модули третьего года обучения
Преподавание ведется на английском языке
60 аудиторных часов = 30 часов лекции + 30 часов семинары; экзамен, 1 домашнее задание
Kimmo Alajoutsijärvi, профессор
Департамент менеджмента: Доцент
Семинары ведут
Департамент логистики, аспирант
Департамент финансов: Доцент
Департамент финансов, аспирант
Департамент менеджмента: Преподаватель
The phenomenal growth of the service industry, the rapid development of new services, and the increasing competitions between service organizations call for supreme grounded in-depth insight into the behavior of customers and markets. Today, much of the world economy is dominated by the service sector. For example, in the EU and U.S., according to statistics approximately 80% of the labor force, 80% of the GDP, 50% of an average family's budget, and 30% of exports are accounted for by services. Yet, many traditional business schools continue to focus on the manufacturing sector of the economy. The goal of this course is twofold. First, service organizations differ from goods organizations and require their own distinctive approach with regards to the development and execution of marketing strategy. Secondly, goods organizations need to acknowledge the service aspects of their organizations and how service can be used as a source of competitive advantage. The marketing of services is qualitatively different from the marketing of goods. In the course we discuss differences between goods and services, and the implications of these differences for the behavior of customers and markets, and for the marketing of services. Central in the course is a model of profit generation in the chain from service strategy development to marketing program implementation and evaluation. Service marketing to private and industrial customers, by profit and non-profit organizations, is covered. Among others, topics such as service process blueprinting, extended marketing mix, customer loyalty programs, unconditional service guarantees, and service quality in e-commerce are covered in detail.
Course objectives
- To understand the unique challenges involved in marketing and managingmservices and the importance of services marketing in the global economy.
- To perform a comprehensive analysis of services marketing situation and make marketing strategy recommendations for managerial action that will create a competitive advantage.
- To identify differences between marketing in service versus manufacturing organizations.
- To identify, analyze, and apply the various components of the service marketing mix to create customer value.
- To understand and discuss the key issues required in managing customer retention, customer satisfaction, creating service culture, and service quality.
- To appreciate the role of employees and customers in service delivery, customer satisfaction, retention, complaints and service recovery.
- To appreciate other key issues in service businesses such as managing supply and demand, relationship marketing, and the role of the servicescape.
- To understand how customer service can be a competitive advantage inmanaging organizations.
Materials required
- Lovelock, Christopher and Jochen Wirtz (2014), Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy, the 7 ed. Englewood Cliffs: NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Zeithaml, Valarie A. and Mary Jo Bitner. (2013). Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm (2nd edition) N. Y. McGraw-Hill.
Recommended readings
- Anderson Ralph E. (1973). «Consumer Dissatisfaction: The Effect of Disconfirmed Expectancy on Perceived Product Performance», Journal of Marketing Research, 10 (February), pp. 38-44.
- Bartels Robert (1976). The History of Marketing Thought, 2nd ed. Columbus, OH, Grid.
- Bateson John E. G. (1979). «Why We Need Service Marketing», Conceptual and Theoretical Developments in Marketing, Ferrell O. C, S. W. Brown and C. W. Lamb Jr., eds. Chicago, American Marketing Association, pp. 131-146.
- Bateson John E. G. (1985). «Self-Service Consumer: An Exploratory Study», Journal of Retailing, 61(3), pp. 49-76.
- Bateson John E. G. and K. Douglas Hoffman (1999). Managing Services Marketing: Text and Readings. Fort Worth, TX, Dryden.
- Benapudi Neeli and Robert P. Leone (2003). «Psychological Implications of Customer Participation in Co-Production», Journal of Marketing, 67(January), pp. 14-28.
- Berry Leonard L. (1980). «Services Marketing Is Different», Business, 30 (May-June), pp. 24-29.
- Berry Leonard L. (1983). «Relationship Marketing», Emerging Perspectives on Services Marketing. Berry L. L., G. L. Shostack and G. D. Upah, eds., Chicago, American Marketing Association, pp. 25-28.
- Berry Leonard L. (2000). Pt. 1, Services Marketing Self-Portraits: Introspections, Reflections, and Glimpses from the Experts, Fisk R. P., S. J. Grove and J. John, eds., Chicago, American Marketing Association, pp. 1-18.
- Berry Leonard L. and A. Parasuraman (1993). «Building a New Academic Field — The Case of Services Marketing», Journal of Retailing, 69 (Spring), pp. 13-60.
- Berry Leonard L., Kathleen Seiders and Dhruv Grewal (2002). «Understanding Service Convenience», Journal of Marketing, 66(July), pp. 1-17.
- Bielen Frederic and Christophe Sempels (2003). «Proposition d'une Nouvelle Echelle de Mesure du Degre d' Intangibilite d'une Offre de Services», Document de Travail no. 2003-08. Lille, France, LABORES-IESEG, Universite Catholique de Lille.
- Bitner Mary Jo (1992). «Servicescapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees», Journal of Marketing, 56(April), pp. 57-71.
- Bitner Mary Jo (2000). «The Servicescape», Handbook of Services Marketing and Management, T. A Swartz and D. lacobucci, eds., Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, pp. 37-50.
- Bitner Mary Jo, William T. Faranda, Amy R. Hubbert and Valarie A Zeithami (1997). «Customer Contributions and Roles in Service Delivery», International Journal of Service Industry Management, 8(3), pp. 193-205.
- Bowen David E. (2000). Pt. 3, Services Marketing Self-Portraits: Introspections, Reflections, and Glimpses from the Experts, Fisk R. P., S. J. Grove and J. John, eds., Chicago, American Marketing Association, pp. 37-51.
- Bowen John (1990). «Development of a Taxonomy of Services to Gain Strategic Marketing Insights», Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 18 (Winter), pp. 43-49.