Курсы майнора для студентов набора 2018 года: Global Business Environment


Пререквизиты: нет

Трудоемкость:  кредитов

76 аудиторных часов:

  • 38 часов лекции,
  • 38 часов семинары

Формы контроля:

  • 1 экзамен,
  • 1 тест,
  • 2 домашних задания

О курсе

The course “Global business environment” is a broad survey of the field of international business and provides the foundations for further specialization in this field. The course aims to introduce students to the structure and features of the global marketplace and highlights how environmental factors, i.e. social, economic, cultural, and technological aspects, affect international companies and their operations. It begins with a brief overview of international business, focused on the concept of globalization. It also includes topics on the role of national policies and cultures, the evolution of international markets in goods, services and finance, and the supernational mechanisms and infrastructures for trade, investment and finance. The course provides students with skills and knowledge to understand how global environment forces influence international companies’ operation that shape international production, trade flows and foreign direct investments. The ultimate goal of the course is to facilitate students’ understanding of firm-level decisions in the face of the global environment factors. 


Global Business Environment (DOCX, 32 Кб)



Щербакова Алина Вячеславовна

Департамент мировой экономики: Доцент


Подругина Анастасия Викторовна

Департамент мировой экономики: Преподаватель

Погосбекян Кристина Семеновна

Судакова Юлия Михайловна

Институт торговой политики: Эксперт