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Regular version of the site

Instructions for the SmartWay system

Platform for 2024/2025 course selection campaign is available at: https://smartway.hse.ru/ 

Please use a PC to log into the system.
There are two stages during the 2024/2025 course selection campaign:
1st stage - first course selection round. You may submit applications for courses starting in the 3-4 modules with and without additional selection.
2nd stage - second course selection round. You may submit applications for courses with available places + applications for time slots for all selected courses.
 Please note! Yearly recommended amount for each student is 60 credits (see "Total").

Illustrated instruction

Short instructions

Steps by selection rounds

In-Depth Instructions

General Information

How to log into your account

“Core and Elective Courses” section

“Additional courses”, “Optional courses”, “English language courses”, “My campus courses” and “Inter-campus courses” sections

“My applications” section

“My schedule” section


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