Информация для студентов 2018 года набора

The course gives students an idea of the different views on culture, on current changes of cultural and creative industries in modern society. The course examines both theoretical basis for the development of creative industries and an extensive amount of case studies that allows students to trace the origin, evolution and prospects of creative industries at global, regional, national and local levels. Course topics include issues related to the process of cultural production, cultural policy, provides students with opportunities to explore and analyze the interaction of culture, business and politics.



Labor input:  20 credits

Limitations for the choice of educational programs:  none 

Prerequisites: motivation letter in English* 


Maximum number of listeners: 100

Years of implementation:  2019 - 2021

Target Audience:  2018 students set

Planned location:  st. Kantemirovskaya, 3A


Requirements for Cover Letter:

1. Written in English.

2. Number of pages - 1-2.

3. CV and Self-Presentation (skills, experience, projects, interests, volunteer work, academic achievements, participation in clubs or activities, and internships).

4. Course Expectations related to your career plan.

The evaluation criteria:

4 points for correct English;

3 points for CV and self-presentation;

3 points for motivation.

For any questions, please contact kuzminahse@gmail.com

Send your Cover Letter named: CL-yoursurname.doc via e-mail on kuzminahse@gmail.com